Webster defines an Anglophile as :
A person who greatly admires or favors England and all things English.
My photo should be in the dictionary.
Here are a few of my adored picks in no particular order.

Let's start with food. I’ve eaten my share of traditional English breakfasts. It never disappoints.

The 99. England’s favorite ice cream treat.

Blackwell’s in Oxford is by far the most brilliant book store ever. I stepped inside and knew I had found my happy place. Hubby decided to leave me alone (mistake) to browse for as long as I willed. Hours later I walked back to our bed and breakfast with one book in hand. Hubby took one look at me and said, “That’s it? One book.”
I sheepishly stared at the floor and replied, “Not exactly.”
“What do you mean, not exactly?”
“I found so many I had to have them shipped home.” TRUE STORY. It was quiet the rest of the evening!

Lime Tree Hotel. My first Inn experience in London. It had all the feels. So quaint. So lovely. I would highly recommend.

One morning as I ambled through a village in England, a red Mini Cooper with the Union Jack on its roof drove past. A serendipitous moment for me. I vowed right then I would one day have my own iconic Mini. It took a long while, but here she is. I’ve named her Diana.

Do you recall the scene where Cameron Diaz (Amanda) dragged her suitcase? Minus the baggage, here I am wandering that same lane. Such a brilliant day in the village of Shere.

I love old cemeteries. How lovely to have found this memorial to Jane Austen in the church graveyard. This peaceful spot is also the resting place of her beloved sister and mother who are both named Cassandra. Jane herself is buried in Winchester Cathedral which is about 20 minutes from Chawton. You will find the entire village quite enchanting.
I highly recommend a visit to the Jane Austen Museum.

One of the most recognized residences in the world. Did you know Buckingham Palace has 78 bathrooms? I can barely keep my 2 clean!

Highclere Castle. Otherwise known as Downton Abbey.
Cue the music. One woman cried on our tour as we drove up to the stately manor. It wasn’t me. Really.
Anglotopia is one of my favorite England websites.
You will find a wealth of information.
Time will get away from you when you click on this site.
You’ve been warned!

An Anglophile favorite.

Remember that quaint and oh so inviting Rose Cottage in the movie? Sadly, it was all a façade made specifically for The Holiday, but don’t fret. Charming cottages can be found all over the UK. Like this one, for example.

Addison’s Walk. A favored foot path of author CS Lewis. This trail was his habitual constitutional. I was able to wander it myself in 2018. A definite walk to remember.

Jane Austen's writing desk. Using this small desk top along with paper and a quill pen, Jane wrote those beloved classics.
We are blessed recipients of her writing legacy.